Health - Well Being



UWSA works with partners to improve people’s health expands basic health care and support healthy lifestyles for disadvantaged South Africans.

United Way South Africa Fights For A Healthier Country

Only 28.9% of South Africans have access to private health care. The public health systems are extremely congested and there are significant financial barriers that prohibit average South Africans from accessing the private health care system.

United Way South Africa works to improve access to quality health care and improve the overall health and wellness of individuals. While communities determine the priority health focus for their region, we work with partners to create an ecosystem of health and wellness through creating economic opportunities that allow our communities to access affordable and reliable healthcare.

Our Vision

All disadvantaged South Africans have access to primary health care and are equipped with the knowledge required to support a healthy lifestyle.

Our Goal

Is to increase the health literacy and access to primary health care of 10 000 disadvantaged South Africans by 2020.

Our Strategy

• Access to health care services.
• Health awareness programmes.
• Sports development programs.
• Funding schemes.
• Puberty education.
• Distribution of sanitary towels.

Your quick donation can make a difference to deserving youth of South Africa.

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